Minute of Hope - March 2021

1 Samuel 30:4 says, “Then David and the people who were with him lifted their voices and wept until there was no strength in them to weep.”  Yesterday, I declared that our season of weeping is over!  2020 was so difficult and took so much from all of us.  I stated that well in yesterday's sermon.  The passage goes on to tell us that David encouraged himself in the Lord!  Moreover, he asked for the Ephod so he could inquire of the Lord.  Family, it is time to wipe away our tears, pray, go up, and recover all!
We will continue to advance toward normalcy this month.  On Sunday, March 8th, will have a special communion service at 6pm.  This was so powerful last month, and I encourage you to attend.  On Sunday, March 14th, the time changes.  We spring forward.  Beginning on the 14th, “times” will be changing for us too.  I understand that people are at different places as it pertains to Covid-19.  Therefore, I want to offer options.  For those still not comfortable with in-person worship gatherings, we will continue to stream our services from our mobile app and website.  Moreover, we are close to getting a smart TV app as well.  Second, for those wishing to attend in-person but feel more comfortable in a distanced environment, Rhema Hall will be open and the seating will be such as to provide social distancing.  Finally, in the Family Life Center, we ask you to be responsible.  If you are sick, please stay home.  Sit with your family or who you came with.  However, we intend to open the altars, pray for the sick and engage in worship.  
I think you should delete all your social media.  But that is not for me to decide.  I would encourage you to cut your time on social media and watching news outlets in half.  The media has baptized us in fear.  But God has not given us a spirit of fear, but power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).  Resurrection Sunday is on April 4th.  We did not get to celebrate together last year.  Lord’s will, we will this year.  We are planning a special communion service on Good Friday, April 2nd.  Moreover, we will have a church-wide fellowship on April 3rd with an egg hunt, games, and food trucks.  
Thanks again for allowing me to attend the Top 200 & Rise Conference last week.  After being there, fellowshipping with the brethren, and the Lord confirming His word in my spirit, I feel so refreshed!  Our voice must be heard now more than ever.  We need God! We need each other!  And our community needs us to be the church!

We love you all,

Mike & April   


Margie Hampton - March 1st, 2021 at 5:16pm

Yesterday's message was awesome

Robert Bunch - March 1st, 2021 at 5:24pm

Glad to hear this! We love you and April. We miss our church family!

Joyce Chadwell - March 2nd, 2021 at 5:57am

Thankful for my church and it's leadership! Love you all and praying for the Lord to continue to speak to us through you!